Remodelled into the space of a former byre, our bright workshop invites you to try your hand at a number of different arts and crafts.
One of the workspaces holds a weavery. Our six looms offer a variety of warps for you to use at your convenience. You can reserve a loom for private use with a daily rent of 5 €. The warp is charged on consumption. You can use your own weft or purchase them from us. Please contact Sari to learn about the different warps currently available.
Two workspaces are reserved for hosting all sorts of craft courses. Bring along a group of 4–12 people and book a course to suit your interests, for example in conjunction with a stay at our cottages, or at any given time without accommodation. Alternatively, you can also sign up for all of our available courses. Please visit our Facebook page for further information about our scheduled courses.
Our courses are also perfectly suitable for recreational activity with your work community. Ask for an offer!
Getting creative means getting content! Come over and have a go!